Tuesday, 12 August 2008

What's really going on in South Ossetia?

According to the West, Russia is the aggressor. According to the North, Georgia is. There are reports and accusations of ethnic cleansing, and it looks like a terrifying place to be right now.

A key oil pipline runs through the area, which also lies between Russia and Iran.

The Guardian, amongst others, calls this a proxy war, and there is news of arms being supplied to Georgia by the US.

I wouldn't have thought much about it, but my sons were discussing it over breakfast yesterday. They'd heard that some basements were being flooded to prevent people from sheltering from the bombs!

It seems that the world's public opinion matters though, to both parties, which surprises me somewhat because our own government usually ignores any inconvenient protest, however widespread it may be.


Blogger Augustin Moga said...

I find the political commentary on the openDemocracy to be the well-balanced compared to other sources. Give it a try and see what they're saying about this conflict. (I don't have time to do it, though...).

12 August 2008 at 22:11  
Blogger Gill said...

Oh thanks! That's a useful link.

14 August 2008 at 07:42  

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